A Friend In You Therapy image
Life can be complicated and there are no rules to show you how to navigate and cope with feeling anxious, burdened, lost and alone. Sure, there are several platforms in today’s society that make talking about depression or low self-esteem less alien, but it still remains a challenge to find the right place to feel understood, accepted, and have genuine companionship.

Years of being jolted by what other people say and do can have you feeling further detached from your true authentic self and unwilling to trust the brave choices you want to make when facing life’s challenges. It becomes easy to say, ‘I need to do better in future, ‘I should have had this’, or ‘that was not supposed to happen’ feeling stuck on ‘there and then’ and unsure of how to fully explore your reality right here and now.

It is tempting to want to connect by living vicariously through others. Today, friends can be found via social media who appear to have their money, bodies, relationships, and life together but as you compare yourself, you may feel increasingly lonely and unsure of whether you will ever be good enough. Paired with a fear of being left behind in this fast paced world, our culture, traditions, and society can have you feeling trapped, encouraging you to make less time for discovering who you are, accepting how you feel and deciding what you want right now. Perhaps, even trusting that you can be a friend to yourself is something you may only now be considering.

Many of us just want to belong in this world, to feel a sense of security, identity, and intimacy. If life and its complications have led you to realise that you want the same for yourself, the journey to find this can begin now. Today, we can unpack together the load you no longer wish to carry and find that you can accept yourself as a friend.

"The Curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am then I can change" - Carl Rogers.