Outdoor Therapy

Similar to tradition therapy, during our Outdoor Therapy session, you take the lead in finding the perfect environment for your process. We can dwell in a spot of your choice that you feel will be most welcoming and alleviate inhibition.

For those looking for freedom from the four walls they work and live in, Outdoor Therapy is a perfect alternative for you.

Sessions take place outside, at a park, forest or garden that can be local to you and convenient for your schedule. It can serve as our first steps in creating an expansive counselling relationship, followed by a more formal type of therapy if you’re unsure about being in a stiff and confined space with a therapist. Although you may find talking to a therapist is not that daunting as we go deeper into your experiences, you may find that having an open, natural, and bright atmosphere offers breathing space to engage and ground yourself more.

And if it rains?

Of course, the weather does not always allow for a comfortable reside. Also, you may be someone who is not comfortable with being outdoors during the winter when it is dark. At our assessment, we will agree a suitable alternative of therapy (Online therapy, face to face therapy, home visit therapy) in case the weather does not permit us to have our session outside. Additionally, if after you first Outdoor Therapy you are not feeling this style of counselling, then we can arrange an alternative.

If you’re interested I hold Outdoor Therapy at the following times (except Weekends and bank holidays) and locations:


Winter (December – March): 8am - 4pm

Spring (April – June):  8am - 7pm

Summer (July – September): 8am – 7pm

Autumn (October – December): 8am – 4pm


Crystal Palace Park – South East London (Crystal Palace)

Westow Park – South East London (Crystal Palace)

Lloyd Park – South London (Croydon)

Addington Park – South London (Croydon)

Park Hill Park - South London (Croydon)