Find a friend in you today

​One discovery at a time

A Friend In You Therapy image
Life can be complicated and there are no rules to show you how to navigate and cope with feeling anxious, burdened, lost and alone. Sure, there are several platforms in today’s society that make talking about depression or low self-esteem less alien, but it still remains a challenge to find the right place to feel understood, accepted, and have genuine companionship.

Years of being jolted by what other people say and do can have you feeling further detached from your true authentic self and unwilling to trust the brave choices you want to make when facing life’s challenges. It becomes easy to say, ‘I need to do better in future, ‘I should have had this’, or ‘that was not supposed to happen’ feeling stuck on ‘there and then’ and unsure of how to fully explore your reality right here and now.

It is tempting to want to connect by living vicariously through others. Today, friends can be found via social media who appear to have their money, bodies, relationships, and life together but as you compare yourself, you may feel increasingly lonely and unsure of whether you will ever be good enough. Paired with a fear of being left behind in this fast paced world, our culture, traditions, and society can have you feeling trapped, encouraging you to make less time for discovering who you are, accepting how you feel and deciding what you want right now. Perhaps, even trusting that you can be a friend to yourself is something you may only now be considering.

Many of us just want to belong in this world, to feel a sense of security, identity, and intimacy. If life and its complications have led you to realise that you want the same for yourself, the journey to find this can begin now. Today, we can unpack together the load you no longer wish to carry and find that you can accept yourself as a friend.

"The Curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am then I can change" - Carl Rogers.
About Me imageAbout Me image
My name is Mahayla Marriott and I am a qualified Person-Centred Psychotherapist and Supervisor. I offer a supportive and confidential space to explore what is going on for you. My hope for you is that you feel heard, respected, and understood throughout your therapeutic journey.

Our work together can provide support for you in:

  • Discovering your true authentic self.
  • Inspiring self-awareness and congruent living.
  • Accepting what is present for you in the here and now.
  • Processing your emotional and relational pain.
  • Finding your inner friend, enabling you to extend empathy to yourself.
  • Unpacking the challenges you face, finding ways that work for you to respond one day at a time.

I offer weekly and fortnightly therapy sessions over the phone or online. Alternatively, if you would prefer not to be stuck within four walls, I offer therapy sessions outdoors! Outdoor Therapy, in a park, forest or garden, provides a vibrant environment that can liberate you from any rigidity or sluggishness you may be feeling. It is mostly more enchanting than a traditional indoor session and perfect for those who would prefer to get a fresher and brighter outlook on life in the fresh air.

I also provide clinical supervision for counsellors in training or qualified counsellors searching for a grounded and secure space to explore their therapeutic process, develop their counselling skills and receive support with their client work.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) Registered Member: MBACP 00954734

Outdoor Therapy

A more enchanting experience of therapy in nature.

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Phone or Online Therapy

Therapy that is comfortable, cost effective and confidential.

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In-Person Therapy

Therapy in a settled and secure space

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A necessary monthly service that supports counsellors in their practice.

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Couples Therapy

Therapy for couples seeking direction and repair in their relationship

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CONCESSIONS - OAP, Students and Benefits

  • Proof of entitlement needed and subject to availability

Outdoor and In-Person Therapy

  • 50 Minute Session
  • Concessions considered depending on circumstances.
  • (Conditions apply for Outdoor Therapy, see counselling services for more information)
  • Monday - Wednesday between 9am and 7pm


  • Proof of Counselling Membership required, i.e. BACP Registered number.
  • Concession rates for Trainee Counsellors available - £50.
  • Proof of eligibility required, i.e. Student Card, Counselling membership number and student contract.
  • Crystal Palace, London, England, United Kingdom

Please feel free to leave a voicemail or text if you cannot reach me on the phone. I will be sure to return your missed call as soon as I can.